Buy yBTC Telegram

Start Bitcoin mining today!

Unlock the potential of your Stellar (XLM) with yBTC.
Invest in yBTC to participate in mining and earn daily
XLM payouts.

Server status
Europe - Amsterdam
China - Hong Kong
India - Chennai
USA - San Jose
Japan - Tokyo
Brazil - Sao Paulo

Optimized Bitcoin Mining

By pooling yBTC, we leverage advanced technology in Bitcoin mining operations to ensure maximum efficiency and profitability. The profits generated from these mining activities are then converted back into Stellar (XLM). Users receive daily XLM payouts based on their yBTC holdings and the overall mining yield, providing a consistent and transparent return on investment.

Efficient Mining Pool Allocation

Our platform pools yBTC to participate in high-efficiency Bitcoin mining operations, utilizing state-of-the-art technology to maximize returns. Daily profits are seamlessly converted to Stellar (XLM) and distributed to users based on their yBTC holdings.

Automated Daily Payout System

Experience the convenience of our automated system that converts mining profits to Stellar (XLM) daily. Users enjoy hassle-free, consistent payouts directly proportional to their yBTC investment, ensuring a steady flow of rewards.

Transparent Mining Rewards Distribution

Join a transparent mining network where yBTC contributions are tracked and profits are distributed as Daily XLM payouts. Our system provides clear, real-time insights into your earnings and the mining process, promoting trust and reliability.

Maximized Crypto Efficiency

Maximize your crypto's potential by converting Stellar (XLM) to yBTC and joining our optimized mining operations. Receive daily XLM payouts, with profits from Bitcoin mining efficiently redistributed to enhance your investment returns.

Global Mining Network

Our advanced mining network features servers strategically located in multiple continents. This global distribution ensures robust performance and redundancy. The system boasts a mining capacity of up to 21,000,000 TH/s., delivering high efficiency and reliability in our mining operations.

Bitcoin South America 20,000 PH/s
Bitcoin North America 150,000GH/s
Bitcoin Europe 100,000 GH/s
Bitcoin Australia 30,000 GH/s
Bitcoin Asia 15,000 GH/s
Bitcoin Africa 5,000 GH/s


Various versions have evolved over the years, sometimes by accident, sometimes on purpose.

Level 1

  • Service pay: 45% APY
  • Equipment: HashCoins SCRYPT
  • Automatic charging in XLM
  • 1 YEAR
  • Assets securely stored and completely backed
Hold 10 yBTC Buy now

Level 2

  • Service pay: 76% APY
  • Equipment: HashCoins SHA-256
  • Automatic charging in XLM
  • 1 YEAR
  • Assets securely stored and completely backed
Hold 100 yBTC Buy now

Level 3

  • Service pay: 143% APY
  • Equipment: GPU Rigs
  • Automatic charging in XLM
  • 2 YEAR
  • Assets securely stored and completely backed
Hold 500 yBTC Buy now

Level 4

  • Service pay: 326% APY
  • Equipment: Multi-Factor
  • Automatic charging in XLM
  • 1 YEAR
  • Assets securely stored and completely backed
Hold 1500 yBTC Buy now
«I've tried several mining platforms, but none compare to YieldBitcoin launched on Stellar Network. With servers strategically located worldwide.»
Marc Tove Entrepreneur

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